Harvest and Harmony Bazaar 2017

Harvest and Harmony Bazaar 2017 

Our annual bazaar is almost here.  Plan on joining us on November 11, 2017 from 4 -8 pm for a Spaghetti Bake dinner with all the trimmings.  The meal is by Free Will Offering.

Also, during those hours crafts and other goods will be available in our "Country Store".  A great time to pick items for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We have a lot of talented people at Jericho who hand make their items and donate them to our bazaar.

At 6:30 pm, The Pete Mercer Band will be our featured entertainment for the evening.  Come join us during some uplifting music.

Bazaar will be held in our Fellowship Center in the back of the building.

Directions to Jericho 

From Winchester - take IN 32 east to 400 E, turn right (south) drive approx. 2 miles to the meeting house.


From Winchester - take Greenville Pike going east to 100 S, turn left and drive approx. 2 miles to the meeting house.

From Union City - take IN 32 west to 400 E, turn left (south) drive approx. 2 miles to the meeting house.


From Union City - take IN 227 south to 100 S, turn right (west) drive approx. 4 miles to the meeting house.

Please go to our website for a map if needed.  Or google maps.


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