Easter Weekend Events, 2017

You are more than welcome in our midst on Friday, April 14th, 2017 at the Presbyterian Church in Winchester, IN at Noon for Good Friday community services.  The Presbyterian Church is located in the city at the corner of South Street and East Street.

Saturday, April 15, 2017 at Jericho Friends, our Children's Program will be from 3 - 5 pm, there will be Easter Egg Hunt for the children.

Sunday Morning, Easter, begins with the Jericho Young Friends youth group serving waffles and scrambled eggs for breakfast at 8:00 am.  The JYF will also conclude their multi-part skit, Who's Cross Is It Anyway?  You don't want to miss this, so be there by 9:30 am.  And with that all happening, there will be no Sunday School Classes that morning.

Worship services will commence at the regular time of 10:30 am.  Jericho's Handbell Choir will be playing several selections during the worship services.

This also our usual Sunday for collecting for the food pantry, our focus of the month is canned fruit.  But any donation of food and house hold products are greatly appreciated along with any monetary donations.  We support the Union City Community Pantry, the Shalom Center Food Pantry (Winchester), and the Lynn Community Pantry.  A tub for donations will be in the foyer, and a basket for monetary as well.

Please come and join us for this glorious morning as we celebrate our Risen Savior and His sacrifice to bring us closer to God, our Father in Heaven.


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